Monday, 13 April 2015

Happy as can be

Sad, depressed, frustrated, irritated, agitated, annoyed. Don’t be.
Be happy! What I have learnt from life in my 19 years is that life is how we take it. It is not about what actually happens to us that makes us feel bad but it is how we look at it makes us feel the way we feel for that thing.
Take for example, you broke your mug. You became very upset. Your Grandma shouted Good luck, because breaking of a glass is considered lucky by some. Your mother got annoyed because she would have to clean that. So the point I am trying to make here is that breaking of a mug is just simply breaking of a mug. There are no emotions attached to it. It’s the people around us and us who attach emotions to everything.
That is why we must be happy always. At least try to be. It makes life much simpler and better. It makes things go much smoother. It makes you feel better about life and that is what is important.

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